There are times when we may ask our clients for personal information such as your name, address, e-mail address, occupation other relevant specifics. This information assist’s us in offering products and services we think you’d like to hear about. If you prefer not to be contacted, please follow the unsubscribe instructions in the e-mail, or contact Web Space Designers at 0333 006 3800.
When you choose to give personal information to us, we will do our best to inform you how we will use the information.
When we ask for personal information for any reason, we will provide a link to this policy statement to make our intentions clear.
Web Space Designers will take all appropriate steps to keep your personal information confidential, including limiting access to customer information databases, communicating this policy statement to all Web Space Designers employees and establishing and enforcing penalties for violating this statement. Additionally, Web Space Designers is registered with the Data Protection and adheres to all it's provisions.
Web Space Designers will not sell, rent or give away customer information to other companies for use in selling others' products or services. When we do contract with another company to market or advertise products or services for us, we will insist on binding agreements from those companies protecting our customer information. We will vigorously enforce all privacy agreements we have with other companies. However, when you receive services directly from a third party, such as a shipping company or internet service provider, your personal information is treated in accordance with that service provider's privacy policy even though you may have purchased the services through Web Space Designers.
We gather personal information from our customers so we can better develop our relationship with those customers. Occasionally, we seek customer comments on our products and services. These comments allow us to determine which products and services our customers should be made aware of based on their specific needs.
We will proactively communicate with customers via e-mail or other online delivery devices to provide offers and information we believe will be of interest. Customers who no longer wish to receive these communications should inform us and we will remove their names from our mailing lists. Web Space Designers will be judicious in the use of e-mail and paper mail to communicate with customers, putting ourselves in the place of the recipients of our mail and treating our customers as we ourselves would like to be treated.
If we decide to substantively change our privacy policy, we will post those changes to this privacy statement, the homepage, and other places we deem appropriate so our users are always aware of changes to the information we collect, how we use that information, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it. If, however, we are going to use users’ personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time of collection we will notify users by providing 30 days notice on
Web Space Designers uses“cookies” to provide you a service and for analytics.
Web Space Designers does not use 3th party“cookies”. That does not imply that a 3rd party service might not require a cookie, just that Web Space Designers does not use or access that information.
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with Web Space Designers, please contact the Webmaster. If you wish to update or correct the personal information you provided to Web Space Designers, please call 0333 006 3800. To add your name to any of the “Do Not Call”, “Do Not E-mail” or “Do Not Mail” lists for marketing communications, please call 0333 006 3800 or email your request to It is our policy to only use your personal information to conduct our business with you.
We do not and will not sell or distribute your personal information to anybody for any reason without your expressed written permission.